Welcome back to Flare Fires! Today, I’m cooking my family’s favorite meal: steak and chips. Let’s dive in. This dish is technically steak and potatoes. The potatoes are parboiled and partly mashed, leaving chunky pieces that are then fried with butter and salt until crispy. It’s a family favourite, always a hit. First, I’ve parboiled the potatoes. They’re ready to fry. For the steak, I’ll use salt and butter. The key with the potatoes is to push all the moisture out before frying them to get that perfect crispiness. I’ll heat my hot plate, ensuring it’s dry before adding the potatoes to avoid dangerous splatters. I prefer using red jacket potatoes, leaving the skin on for added crunch. Lots of butter and salt go in, and now they’re frying. Next, I’ll salt the steak and prepare it for cooking. The chips are getting a nice color, so it’s time to manage the fire. I’m aiming to smoke the steak first, then finish it off on the hot plate. I use a double swing frame to control the heat, adjusting as needed. Once the potatoes are crispy, I’ll keep them warm while I finish the steak. The steak is smoked, not seared yet, absorbing the flavors. I aim for medium to medium-rare doneness, feeling for a soft, bouncy texture. Finally, I prepare a simple mushroom sauce: sauté mushrooms, add cream, reduce, and season with salt. This dish, steak and chips with mushroom sauce, might not look fancy, but it’s always a hit. Everyone loves it, from kids to grandparents.

For any questions about this recipe or our fires, reach out to the team. Happy cooking, and see you next time!