
Smoke on Your Flare Outdoor Fireplace

On a Flare Outdoor Fireplace the smoker sits hidden inside the chimney and drops down to surprise your guests. Of all the over-the-fire cooking accessories the smoker takes the most installation — but is suitable for a handyman. Installation requires access to the back of your fireplace.

An easy smoke to start with is a Reverse-Seared-Steak. Simply drag thick cuts of steak into the chimney, give them 15-20 minutes a side, drop them down and seer them off. The taste improvement is sure to surprise.

Simply Add These Smoker Accessories

These smoker accessories are only available for sale and use with a Flare Outdoor Fireplace

How The Accessories Work Together

  1. Light a fire and allow at least 45 minutes for the chimney time to heat up
  2. Using the smoker rope, lower the smoking cage and secure the rope
  3. Ensure you are wearing heat-proof gloves, as the smoking cage will be very hot at this stage
  4. Place your meat on the tray inside the smoking cage
  5. Pull the smoker rope again to raise the meat and smoking cage into the chimney

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