Flare Fires New Zealand

You know you have the right outdoor fireplace when you when you can cook on it like this

A whole brisket is a huge cut of beef that is most often turned into corned silverside. But when you smoke it, low and slow, oh my, its good! A popular way to do this is on an offset smoker, but imagine being able to do this on a fantastic looking outdoor fireplace!

Well, check the video below.  This cook was done at Meatstock Auckland 2019. We bought from a supply we know to be good quality, it was rubbed almost 24 hours before we started smoking it. It took a total of 13 hours and was then held (rested) for another 4. See the result for yourself.

If you have never cooked a brisket before, they come out of the smoke almost black in colour, looking more like a meteorite than a meal. But it is not burnt, and beneath the crust is the most tender, juicy, meat full of husky, beefy flavor. But that’s if your cook it right. Get the cook wrong and it can come out tough and quite average. We will soon post a blog on how to achieve this same result on your Flare Fire.

We’ve also launched a range of meat rubs. We’ve partnered with a New Zealand company to create a range of rubs that partner perfectly with food cooked on a Flare Fire. You can see the range here in our accessories page. The best pack to start with is the Variety 3 pack.

Those of you who are outside cooking on your Flare Fires regularly will also be interested to learn about the Meater probe. It works very well, providing an internal meat temperature as well as ambient, all in one probe that wirelessly connects to your smart phone or pad.

We’ve started making these available also from our website, as they work so well with our outdoor fireplaces. You can see the probe sticking out of the bricket in the image below.

This particular post didn’t start off with the intent of promoting stuff, I just wanted to make you hungry! But while I’m about mentioning essential cooking stuff. Check out these gloves…you can pick up hot coals, move your cooking plates around and so on without burning your hands. They have become one of my most important cooking accessories. If you are going to do a low and slow smoke, you will need them!

Any how, that’s us for today. Please get in contact if you have any questions about our outdoor fireplaces or any of our cooking accessories and rubs. Enjoy!

Mike Edwards